Es increible lo facil que es. Soy de Chile y libere mi htc magic de la empresa Entel pcs, excelente servicio.

Es increible lo facil que es. Soy de Chile y libere mi htc magic de la empresa Entel pcs, excelente servicio.
Fantastic. No problems. Phone unlocked. Thought I would practise entering complicated unlock code as if it were a telephone number before going through the steps in the email. What I didn't anticipate was that phone would recognise it anyway!!! Thank you.
Perfect service ... unlocked in minutes
Perfecte. Vaig demanar el codi un diumenge a les 19:00 i a les 12:00 ja el tenia! L'he introduït al mòbil i ha funcionat a la primera. Visca Catalunya lliure!
Excellent! the 1st code worked perfectly
Within 24 hours I received a list 5 codes and a detailed but not complicated report on how to unlock my phone,I tried the first code and within my first attempt my phone is unlocked!!!FABULOUS!!!Took no more then 5 mins!!Surprisingly a genuine site for once,will recommend!thank you!
I ordered at 8pm and I kept checking every half hour. 2 hours later I just gave up and I though the whole thing is a scam..well not until 7am next morning I woke up with the code waiting for me.. This just GREAT
Good job guys.
I have this phone form SFR france and I could not unlock there. I tried your service and in first attempt it was unlock. You have really nice service although your price is also slightly higer then others.
Thank U So Much
I was highly skeptical of this whole thing. In less than 45 minutes I had my unlock code and had my G1 running on AT&T's network. Loving it! Thanks.
Thank you the code you gave me worked thanks again.
Buy from here! Ordered at 7pm, got my code at 12am. Only 5 hours on a weekend!!!
You guy's are awesome. i just follow the step by step less than a min. its unlocked.
Thanks alot.
Works perfect and in a few hours AAA+++++
Thank you